Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some success

So these past few weeks have been busy full of wedding things as well as work.

Lets go in order...

I have a new fabulous obsession with finding beautiful fabric in the form of vintage sheets at thrift stores. Here are a couple of the beauties I have found so far, I have added a few more to my collection since this was taken:
Now that leaves me dreaming of what to do with them...I was thinking a quilt? maybe a fun summer dress...who knows.

That takes me to the next fantastic happening these past couple weeks. My wonderful roommate of 2 years at APU got a job as a nanny in Austria and she left this past week. Another good friend of mine is leaving for Texas to finish up some schooling (I am slightly bitter at the mention of Texas these days). And another absolutely wonderful friend of mine drove up from LA to have a little send off for these dear friends. In celebration of it all, we went out on Lake Sonoma and did some tubing and wake boarding (I only participated in the former) and just enjoying the company of one another. It was a great way to say 'see you later'
This was Noah and I bored in the car.

These are some snap shots of the grand day.

And Noah doing some wake boarding....

It was a very nice day to be out with friends and a beautiful way to send some absolutely wonderful people off onto new adventures.

Then my mom and I caught the wedding bug and decided to make a sample center piece for the wedding and just see how many and what kind of flowers we wanted to use. It went wonderfully and I am so excited for the beauty that is going to be at mine and Noah's wedding. Here are a couple pictures that give a rough idea of what things are going to look like...

Two other things that have been so exciting....

For those of you who don't beautiful red cruiser was stolen a couple weeks before I graduated (and yes, it was locked on a bike rack inside a gated apartment complex...they cut my lock and took my bike). This was sad but also frustrating...but that rant is a whole different story. So for graduation my parents told me they would get me another bike. I finally found one that I love and they surprised me with it a few days ago. I am in love. here is a bad picture of my new lovely bike!

Last but not least, anyone who heard the sob story of mind and Noah's previous attempt at engagement photos knows that getting lovely weather and a great photographer is a huge positive point. So, our photographer sent us a couple teaser pictures the day we took them (but we have to wait a little while for the rest). Here they are! (our photographer is Brian Ganyo all of the following photos are from him and by him)

So that has been a quick recap of all the things happening these days. I get to go see a midnight showing of Cars 2 tonight and then a Giants game on Sunday. This weekend is shaping up to be a good one. I hope you all are out enjoying the lovely weather. Soak up the sunshine you never know these days how long the beautiful sunshine will last.

With love,


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